The Palomar church
of Christ leadership
desires that all members of the body, family, friends and visitors to the
congregation feel welcome and part of the family. Our activities are designed
to develop friendships, spiritual growth, wholesome fun, and Christian
fellowship. Activities are for all ages.
If you have any ideas for fellowship activities please share
them with the Fellowship Leader, Chuck Ragland.
To be successful we need leaders for all the activities. Please sign up
for the activities you would like to Lead or help with. You many email us or
contact the church at 760-598-8968.
Senior Activities
will be planned as required.
Activities for 2019
you sign up to lead an activity you will be responsible for the overall
planning, coordination and execution of that activity. Activity Leaders need
volunteers to help them with that event in order for it to not be a burden on
any one person.
POT LUCKS: If you would like to lead or be involved with the
monthly potlucks there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board. Please sign your
name and see one of the ladies that already signed up. They will instruct you
on what to do and co-lead with you on your first one. You will be responsible
for the theme, decorating, set up, and clean up.